Jaro Education

EdTech Trends in India: What’s Changing the Educational Landscape

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The Edtech industry is rapidly evolving and making its positive impact in the educational landscape. It brings new challenges and booming opportunities for us every single day. We have seen technological advancement in various fields and how technology has made our life really simple. Such technological advancement has now expanded into the educational field as well. Nowadays, even investors see – great potential in this sector and are investing in Edtech trends. Many entrepreneurs are even making efforts to launch influential Edtech firms because they know that people are adapting to it rapidly. But what gave this Edtech trend a kickstart? It is -fact that we all know that COVID-19 i.e. pandemic is a major reason behind this evolution.

The Edtech trend is a catalyst indeed. There are numerous edtech platforms that provide reasonable and captivating education through this medium. One of such edtech platforms is Jaro Education. The platform is committed to provide learning opportunities to all working professionals. Since its inception, the platform has managed to change the educational landscape. The edtech platforms are not only limited to online learning but these have various more modalities to offer. Let’s dig a little deeper! But first, let us discuss the edtech trends in India.

EdTech Trends in India

The Indian Edtech landscape has witnessed a major shift since the pandemic and the slope has gone higher and higher. Online learning has become acceptable in India and it has given rise to several trends in the education sector as well. Institutions, colleges, and schools are becoming dynamic and adopting these edtech trends. Let’s look at some of these edtech trends!

  • People are moving to online education– As mentioned above as well, people are accepting online and virtual learning more quickly and they are becoming more comfortable with it. This virtual learning has been made possible due to the accessibility of the internet in India, the reasonable availability of the mobile phones, and also the growing number of online learners. It gives a proper flexibility to all the learners to grab the education wherever and whenever.
  • Emergence of the Artificial Intelligence (AI)– AI is no doubt a classic part of the edtech sector or we can say that educational landscape. AI has made everything and development possible to all the learners, one of the most impressive things about AI is the recommendation tactics. It makes learning easy by recommending learners according to their correct choice and needs.
  • Improves job related skills– One of the most important aspects of edtech platforms are upscaling the skillsets of the working professionals. With the evolving dynamics of the market, there is a dire need of upscaling the knowledge and skills for every individual. If one has to stay dynamic in the job, they have to enroll in such edtech courses that make their skills more prominents in today’s modern world. Jaro is also giving their best and making every possible effort to make certain that the working professionals upstock their skills at an affordable and great scale.
  • Easy access to online resources– As edtech learning is sustainable and environment-friendly, the use of textbooks has reduced. All the learners can find the learning resources online and these resources are endless. The content such as e-books, educational videos, how-to-videos, search engines serves as learning resources. Further, those who enroll in online programs can access such resources through their e-learning platforms only.
  • Advanced Self-paced learning– People who don’t have much time to commute to the institutes, schools, and universities are becoming more self-paced. They can have access to learning resources whenever they want, the recorded lectures are their all-time helpers.

This list of trends does not end here, there are trends that are picking their pace swiftly in the market. Convenience, flexibility, affordability are some of the factors that are making edtech learning more prominent these days. People are becoming more tech-friendly so that’s why they are shifting their face towards edtech platforms or we can say online learning. This has made its contributions to the economic sector and also educated more and more people of the country and even globally.

As we have mentioned above, Jaro education among other edtech platforms are rising rapidly. It is an education provider that collaborates with various recognized institutes and universities. Let us tell you about this edtech firm a little more.

Jaro Education- Changing the Educational Landscape

Jaro Education has become a trend setter in the Edtech space and also a leader. With a range of job-related online programs and skill boosting courses, they are making an impact in everyone’s life. There are so many courses that are offered by this edtech company, the programs range from Leadership, management, sales and marketing, hard skills like Java, Python to analytics and data science.

The platform Jaro Connect is their student platform which is a well-structured platform for all the learners. It provides all the learners opportunities to limitlessly leverage technology in the higher education space. Through this platform, one can experience career growth, expand their network and gain lifelong learnings. The Jaro Connect aims to promote skill building through the medium of edtech. They have a mission to nurture all the working professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, or even scholars to enroll in such programs and enhance their skill set in order to maintain a momentum in the market.

Since its establishment, Jaro has been a leader in online learning. One of the things that you should take note of is that this edtech company also offers global certifications so you can gain knowledge globally. It not only improves your communication skills but also boosts your confidence in your personality. So, we can say that if you are someone who is influenced by the edtech trends and wants to enhance your knowledge or want to learn something new, you can check out the courses and programs offered by Jaro Education.

Edtech is definitely a boon for India!

Now it has become a fact that edtech is a boon for our society. The busy schedules, expensive resources, and many other factors were limiting the working professionals, students, and all the budding learners to gain the necessary skills, but now it is possible with the help of these edtech firms. We can totally say that the future of the Indian education system will expand more over the years. The government of India has also started contributing to such edtech companies. In the coming time, we can see India as a great contributor in the world’s education sector, providing well-structured top courses that fulfill the needs of the hour. What do you think about these platforms?

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